If you are part of the local South Florida dive community then you love the ocean and all that comes with it! Here at Life League Gear we love ALL the creatures of the deep... even the scary looking ones with the bad wrap sheets. Each play a crucial role in the great oceans of our planet! Whether we are hunting for spiny lobster in Florida, researching, or recreational scuba diving our great ocean you are more than likely to come across a moray eel or two!
Grinchy Green
Did you know that the skin of the green moray eel is brown or gray? So where does their signature green coloring come from? They secrete a yellowish mucus that protects them from parasites and bacteria. It also makes them appear green. But that’s not even the strangest thing about this fish. All morays have a second set of jaws at the back of their heads! These pharyngeal jaws come with sharp teeth along the upper row. When feeding, the moray can launch these jaws into their mouths to grasp prey and transport it into the throat.
Predator Becomes Ally
Morays are also known to engage in cooperative hunting with groupers. Although groupers are one of the morays’ few predators, sometimes the two will team up to hunt. The eel and grouper will give each other a nod to indicate they will work together. The moray will navigate the tight crevices of the reef, forcing fish out of the safety of their shelter for the grouper to catch. While the fish are focused on avoiding the grouper, they forget about the moray, making them easy prey for the eel.
At Mystic Aquarium
Mystic Aquarium is home to a male green moray eel who has been a resident here since 2009. Guests can find him in the Caribbean Reef habitat in the Main Gallery. Like his wild counterparts, he prefers enclosed, dark spaces, and is often found in caves, crevices, and overhangs within the habitat. Sometimes you’ll see him lying on his side or even upside down. While this behavior may seem unusual, it is perfectly normal! Because he spends so much time hiding or near the bottom of the habitat, the animal care team behaviorally trains him to target feed. This allows us to make sure he is eating well and lets the team routinely assess his condition and perform regular health exams.
CONTACT (860) 572-5955 info@mysticaquarium.org
55 Coogan Blvd. Mystic, CT 06355
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